

Holy Trinity Pop Up Cafe

Every 1st Wednesday of each month (Not January)

09:30 to 12:00

Wonston Community Cafe 

Every 3rd Wednesday of each month (Not August)

​09:30 to 12:00

One-Off Event  - don't miss it!

'Done To Death ByJove!’

Saturday September 28th at 7.30

I met Nicholas Collett when we were both shortlisted for a McDonalds advert. I'm pleased to say he will be giving us an evening of entertainment re-interpreting ‘The Art of Course Acting’ with a farcical results as we try to guess WhoDunWhat and How in his two-hander 'Done To Death ByJove!’. on Saturday September 28th at 7.30 at the Victoria Hall.  Tickets are £15.  Do let me know if you would like to come.  Telephone 07767 690506 or email eryl@boxcottage.co.uk I will then supply you with BACS details.

As soon as I receive it I can add you to the paid list.  This is a ticketless show.  You will just need to register on the night at the ticket desk which will be in the foyer of the Hall.








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