

Yoga Classes with Samantha Lee

Mondays 7-8pm 

All Levels All ages

Drop in                 £7 and £5/Student

Block 5 wk           £30 and £20/Student




I have been enjoying yoga since 1998 when I went to a yoga class after suffering a bad back.  I came out feeling like I had found something that eased my back, made my brain relax but made me feel energized at the same time.  I was hooked and studied, and lived the yoga life and have never looked back.   

When I first started this class back in April 2003 I was pregnant and eager to relax everyone that came to my class in Sutton Scotney.

What I got was a loving community group that followed my pregnancy through the toddler years and now the teenage years with my son.  We have grown with each other, and any newbie that comes along joins in to this community group and gets the soothing benefit of taking away those strains, and help heal and manage after physical ailments and issues,  while learning the tools to be able to keep stresses at bay and help daily life feel more manageable. 

Come to class and let yourself enjoy that bubble of bliss!

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